Sage 50cloud Pastel Xpress - Add-On Modules

Functional Add-On Modules for Sage 50cloud Pastel Xpress

Additional Modules Available for Sage 50cloud Pastel Xpress

Sage 50cloud Pastel Xpress offers the power and productivity of a trusted desktop solution and gives you everything you need to run your business wherever you are through a seamless integration with Microsoft 365 Business (previously Office 365). Run your business more efficiently with a time-saving, in-depth solution to manage your accounting, invoicing, cash flow, inventory, VAT, and more.

List of add-on modules for Sage 50cloud Pastel Xpress

Sage 50cloud Pastel Point of Sale (POS)

  • An affordable, simple and secure payment handling retail solution for small and medium businesses.
  • Powerful, yet easy to set-up and operate, Sage 50cloud Pastel Point of Sale (POS) is keyboard friendly
    for fast processing.
  • Simple screens and large display areas make this cashier-based system ideal for any till point.
  • Sage 50cloud Pastel Point of Sale (POS) interfaces with most popular barcode scanners, cash drawers
    and pole displays.
  • Once installed and set up, tellers can be trained and working in record time.
    Sage 50cloud Pastel Point of Sale (POS) security features helps prevent potential theft.

Sage 50cloud Pastel Debtors Manager

This module helps you to optimise your collections process, and generate up to date and accurate cash flow
forecasts from your debtor’s book.

  • Instantly link your notes and the age analysis balances in a single report.
  • Create daily call back reminders and action lists for easy follow-up.
  • Track all outstanding invoices.
  • For every outstanding invoice you will know:
  1. Why it is outstanding?
  2. When it will be paid?
  3. What has been done to collect it, and what actions you should take?
  4. Select from a menu of up-to-date and accurate cash flow reports.
  5. Drill down and get reconciliations of invoices outstanding per aging category per customer.
  6. Email clear and concise payment reminders for every single overdue invoice per customer.
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